Tobacco Use and Dependence

  • Tobacco use continues to be a leading cause of death and disability in the Winnipeg Health Region (WHR). 
  • 20.5% of Manitobans aged 15 years and older are current tobacco users. 
  • 22.1% of the WHR population aged 12 years and over are current smokers. 
  • Half of long-term smokers will die from their tobacco use; approximately 1,400 deaths per year in Manitoba.
  • In Manitoba, the annual economic burden of smoking is estimated to be $526 million per year.

NEW! Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Tobacco Use and Dependence (July 2013)

To assist programs, sites and facilities to assess and manage tobacco use and dependence, a WRHA Smoking Cessation Best Practice Working Group (SCBPWG) was established to develop this CPG: Management of Tobacco Use and Dependence.

Resources to Support CPG Implementation

The SCBPWG had a number of sub-groups that worked on developing resource templates that may facilitate CPG implementation:

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